Saturday, 15 August 2015

Day Zero –The Lejogers Assemble

Well the team is gathering at our base, The Long Boat Inn in Penzance. We’re getting to know each other and there’s a lot of chatter about how much riding we each do; who's done a ride like this before and so on. A good sign is that there's a lot of laughter over the dinner table and it’s mostly of the happy, not nervous sort. With so many new faces it’s going to take a while to learn everyone's names.

I've also found out that our team includes three nurses and a doctor so potential injuries should be well-covered.

Martyn, our leader has asked us to appear for breakfast at 7:00am tomorrow before we leave for Land’s End at 8:00. The aim is to start riding as close to 8:30 as possible. So an early night beckons ….

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