Saturday, 15 August 2015

Yaay - I'm (sort of) underway!

No blogging or cycling yesterday. Instead I was busy sorting out my kit before I set off to London to stay with my youngest daughter. We had an enjoyable evening out, with a delicious meal at Wahaca– the Mexican restaurant chain started by Masterchef winner Thomasina Miers. As I write this I'm on the train to Penzance, a 5 hour journey with plenty of time to relax and think about what lies ahead over the next fortnight.

It’s great to get underway as I realised when looking at my diary yesterday that it is almost exactly one year since I paid the deposit and committed to riding Lejog. So I’m really looking forward to pressing the start button on the Garmin and rolling out of Land’s End tomorrow. And this evening I’ll finally get to meet the rest of the ‘team’ who I’ll be riding with. We’ve already done some virtual introductions by email. Our numbers have also swelled to 15 so we’re going to be a nice little peloton.  I’ll try and post an update from Penzance this evening.

Lot’s of people have asked me why I'm riding Lejog. I don’t have any specific reason other than it has been on my mind for a long time. I think it's probably a combination of the chance to see a lot of Britain in a short time; the buzz of riding in new places and with new people; and the lure of the ‘prize’ of getting to the end.

Big thanks to everyone who has wished me well – I hope you will enjoy my blog ramblings. With my comms and PR experience I always said that communicators should think more about their audiences than themselves. Well, this blog is one time when I'll probably reverse that rule so I hope you'll indulge me.

And huge thanks to everyone who has already sponsored me for Prostate Cancer UK. Your generosity will make a difference.

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